Spółki deweloperskie i budowlane na fali, niestety z jednym "ale"...

Spółki deweloperskie i budowlane na fali, niestety z jednym "ale"... Przybywa argumentów potwierdzających jak http://zmniejszak.pl/ najlepsze fundamentalne perspektywy rozwoju koniunktury w dwóch niejako „siostrzanych” branżach gospodarki: budowlanej i deweloperskiej. To bardzo dobra wiadomość z punktu widzenia szeroko pojętych krajowych perspektyw gospodarczych w bliższej i dalszej perspektywie.

Zyski mocno w górę

Już niedługo bardzo dobra passa deweloperów mieszkaniowych będzie świętować swoją drugą rocznicę. Jej efektem jest rekordowy wolumen sprzedanych (zakontraktowanych) lokali w ubiegłym roku, o jedną piątą przewyższający dotychczas najlepszy wynik roku 2007, czyli samego szczytu boomu – tłumaczy Jarosław Jędrzyński z portalu RynekPierwotny.pl. Jest deski elewacyjne radom rzeczą oczywistą, że taki stan rzeczy musi przełożyć się na istotny wzrost zysku netto deweloperów w kolejnych okresach, gdy rekordowa przedsprzedaż zaowocuje podobną ilością przekazań. 

Odpowiedź na pytanie o skalę wzrostu zyskowności deweloperki mieszkaniowej w roku bieżącym przynosi raport "Strategia 2015" sporządzony przez specjalistów Domu Maklerskiego mBanku. Jak wskazują analitycy, rozliczenie w wynikach bardzo dobrej przedsprzedaży z 2014 r. wpłynie na wzrost zysku netto deweloperów mieszkaniowych o około 40% w 2015 r. Jest to deska elewacyjna eco progres na tyle wysoki, że praktycznie bardzo rzadko osiągalny w innych branżach w tak krótkiej perspektywie czasu.

Co więcej, specjaliści mBanku oceniają, że wynik sektora znacznie wzrośnie również w 2016 r. ze względu na utrzymujące się dobre tempo sprzedaży mieszkań, stopniowy proces konsolidacji rynku oraz szeroki bank ziemi deweloperów. Dlatego też zalecają oni przeważanie spółek z obszaru deweloperki mieszkaniowej względem deweloperów komercyjnych, także z uwagi na korzystniejsze dla tych pierwszych otoczenie makroekonomiczne, konkurencyjne, poziom nasycenia rynku czy regulacje prawne.

Podobnie optymistycznie rysuje się w raporcie sytuacja spółek budowlanych, których zysk netto może w roku bieżącym pójść w górę średnio o 32 proc. Rok 2015 ma być okresem rekordowych inwestycji w energetyce i kolejach, co przełoży się na znaczący wzrost liczby kontraktów.

Dwuipółroczny trend wzrostowy indeksu WIG-Budownictwo. Początek hossy?


"A co ma do roboty w Polsce rosyjski wywiad?" Były oficer KGB o polskiej aferze szpiegowskiej

Foto: PAP Oficer został zatrzymany przez ABW (zdjęcie ilustracyjne)

Złapali "ruski trop" - tak artykuł o aferze szpiegowskiej w Polsce tytułuje rosyjska gazeta "Wzgljad". Korespondent agencji RIA Nowosti zauważa z kolei, że "ambasada Rosji w Polsce nie komentuje doniesień o zatrzymaniu przez organy ścigania Polski adwokata, mającego podwójne obywatelstwo – FR i Polski, pod zarzutem szpiegostwa na rzecz Rosji".

Gazeta „Wzgljad” mylnie łączy przy tym dwie sprawy: zatrzymania za szpiegostwo i ujawnionego faktu handlu narkotykami w polskim wojsku. - To, że oficera podejrzewają jeszcze o handel narkotykami, świadczy o tym, iż nijak nie mógł współpracować ze służbami Rosji – zauważył w komentarzu dla gazety generał KGB w stanie spoczynku, prof. MGIMO Nikołaj Leonow.

Znów głośno o...

czytaj dalej »

- W czasie mojej służby kanony naszego wywiadu kategorycznie zabraniały oficerom wywiadu pracować z ludźmi, którzy mieli problemy z przepisami prawa karnego – mówi gen. Leonow.

Jego zdaniem tacy ludzie łatwo ulegają manipulacji i szantażowi, przez co mogą zostać przewerbowani.


Były oficer KGB nie wyklucza antyrosyjskiej prowokacji.

- Zachód znajduje się teraz w stanie histerii antyrosyjskiej. A Polacy, tak jak Bałtowie, w antyrosyjskim chórze zawsze są w pierwszym szeregu - mówi gazecie „Wzgljad” gen. Leonow.

- Pomyślcie, co z wojskowego punktu widzenia ma do roboty w Polsce rosyjski wywiad? Polacy nie mają niczego swojego. Jeśli trzeba czegoś dowiedzieć się o NATO, to dużo lepiej robić to w Brukseli, ale nie w Polsce – przekonuje oficer KGB. I dodaje, że plany polskiego Sztabu Generalnego, czy też polskiego wywiadu także nie są godne zainteresowania rosyjskich służb specjalnych.

- Bardzo wysoko...

czytaj dalej »

Gen. Nikołaj Leonow to legenda sowieckiego wywiadu. Blisko związany z obecną administracją Kremla, uważany jest za mentora i przyjaciela Władimira Putina.

Zatrzymania estoński tłumaczenia w sprawie szpiegostwa

W środę doszło do zatrzymania oficera Wojska Polskiego w związku z podejrzeniami o szpiegostwo. Choć MON nie potwierdziło, że chodzi o współpracę z Rosją, według nieoficjalnych informacji mężczyzna pracował właśnie dla tego kraju.

Tego samego dnia zatrzymano również prawnika, któremu postawiono już zarzut szpiegostwa. Zgodnie z nieoficjalnymi doniesieniami, mężczyzna miał pracować dla GRU, czyli Głównego Zarządu Wywiadowczego Sztabu Generalnego Federacji Rosyjskiej. O tym, że zatrzymany mężczyzna ma  podwójne obywatelstwo jako pierwsze poinformowało Radio Zet.

Również w środę poinformowano o zatrzymaniu sześciu żołnierzy z województwa lubuskiego, u których znaleziono znaczne ilości środków odurzających i substancji psychotropowych. Są oni podejrzewani o handel narkotykami.

Afera szpiegowska »

Wideo: TVN24 Bines i Świat Polska chce wyrzucić rosyjskich dyplomatów. "Na to się nie odpowiada bombą atomową"

Autor: kg/gak/rzw/kdj / Źródło: RIA Nowosti, vz.ru

wczoraj, 21:13

Amerykanie rozmawiają z Kurdami i Turkami. Ale najważniejszy jest Irak

Amerykanie rozmawiają z Kurdami i Turkami. Ale najważniejszy jest Irak

Odtwórz: Amerykanie rozmawiają z Kurdami i Turkami. Ale najważniejszy https://plus.google.com/115511931172056686783/posts jest Irak

USA podjęły w ciągu ubiegłego weekendu pierwsze bezpośrednie rozmowy z główną partią polityczną syryjskich Kurdów w ramach... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 22:13

Prezydent Rosji Władimir Putin przyleciał w czwartek wieczorem do Mediolanu na szczyt Azja- Europa (ASEM). Ze znacznym... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 21:59

Hiszpańskie władze ewakuowały na lotnisku w Madrycie samolot Air France. U jednego z pasażerów zauważono gorączkę i drgawki,... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 21:56

Powódź we Włoszech zbiera śmiertelne żniwo. Dziewięć osób nie żyje

Powódź we Włoszech zbiera śmiertelne żniwo. Dziewięć osób nie żyje

Włochy zmagają się ze skutkami ulewnych deszczy, osunięć ziemi i lawiny błotnej. Zniszczeniu uległy m.in. domy, infrastruktura... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 20:31

Zakażona ebolą leciała samolotem.

Zakażona ebolą leciała samolotem.

Odtwórz: Zakażona ebolą leciała samolotem. "Nie zgłosiła nam żadnych objawów"

Zakażona ebolą pielęgniarka Amber Vinson odbyła w miniony weekend podróż samolotem z Teksasu do Ohio. Przed lotem rozmawiała z... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 20:06

Moskwa odcina się od słów Kerry'ego o współpracy

Moskwa odcina się od słów Kerry'ego o współpracy

Odtwórz: Moskwa odcina się od słów Kerry'ego o współpracy

Rosja odmówiła potwierdzenia zawartej we wcześniejszej wypowiedzi sekretarza stanu USA Johna Kerry'ego sugestii, iż oba państwa... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 19:36

Wenezuela, Nowa Zelandia, Angola, Malezja i Hiszpania zostały wybrane na niestałych członków w Radzie Bezpieczeństwa ONZ. To... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 18:59

Coraz więcej Ukraińców chce do NATO.

Coraz więcej Ukraińców chce do NATO.

Liczba Ukraińców popierających przystąpienie ich kraju do NATO wzrosła zdecydowanie w tym roku po przejęciu przez Rosję Krymu i... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 18:56

Nie ma na razie decyzji o wzmożeniu kontroli pasażerów na europejskich lotniskach, szczególnie w krajach, w których nie ma... czytaj dalej »

wczoraj, 18:39

Niemcy będą się dozbrajać? Liczba czołgów musi być

Niemcy będą się dozbrajać? Liczba czołgów musi być

Odtwórz: Niemcy będą się dozbrajać? Liczba czołgów musi być "istotnie zwiększona"

W związku z kryzysem na Ukrainie politycy niemieckiej koalicji rządowej opowiadają się za uzbrojeniem Bundeswehry w dodatkową... czytaj dalej »


Bazary w Warszawie 60 lat temu [ZDJĘCIA]

Bazary w Warszawie 60 lat temu [ZDJĘCIA] - Naszemiasto.pl

Każdy zna z historii takie bazary w Warszawie, jak Różyckiego czy słynny targ na Żoliborzu. Dzisiaj handel w stolicy nadal kwitnie, ale czy na bazarkach wciąż sprzedajemy to samo? Sami sprawdźcie! Oto spacer po bazarach z lat 50.

Sonia Tulczyńska/Narodowe Archiwum CyfroweSonia Tulczyńska/Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe

źródło: Naszemiasto.pl

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SiNSAY, wspólnie z agencją New Age Models, po raz kolejny organizuje casting na nową twarz marki.


Casting startuje 8 sierpnia w godz. 12.00-15.00 w okolicach SiNSAY SUMMER POP-UP STORE we Władysławowie (plaża przy Solar Beach Bar).  


 -udział w sesji zdjęciowej do lookbooka marki SiNSAY

-zestaw odzieży marki SiNSAY

-testowa sesja zdjęciowa

-kontrakt z agencją New Age Models  

Jaka powinna być SiNSAY Girl?

Dziewczyny biorące udział w konkursie muszą mieć minimum 174 zegarek atlantic cm wzrostu i być w wieku od 14 do 20 lat, oraz posiadać proporcjonalną budowę ciała. Na casting przyjdź w stroju podkreślającym sylwetkę, bez makijażu i bez biżuterii. Weź ze sobą bikini i buty na wysokim obcasie.


Ladies Wrist Watches - Be Fashionable But Practical

There are many types of accessories that males want to wear to exhibit assertive personality and their toughness. One of many best choices that acts this purpose is sporting watches that have beneficial functions and classy types. In regards to watches for men watches are most widely used. Owing to the popularity of watches several well-known, for men businesses have come up with models designed to be utilized by individuals with almost any choices.

This watch is for males and its own classic and elegant style helps it be the best choice for both function. It has a stainless steel body and band and also the dial can be a silver color that is boring. At $499, it is one of the greatest watches under $500 for guys. The brand Movado Dot at the 12' location while in the dial makes it an excellent watch with unbelievable layout. The fingers of the watch may also be in a silver gives the watch an extremely modern look. The middle links within the necklace straps have moons etched about it and the strap's clasp is not difficult to shut. Having glance that is elegant and its Swiss movement, Movado Men's Luno 0605635 is really one and an attractive masterpiece of the best watches for men.

Don't think that simply because you are paying less, that you simply can't get a great quality watch with excellent design. A number of the luxury manufacturers that are mid present excellent designs of watches that are at an inexpensive price range. You should look at these watches to check out types that are elegant and classic. Prevent getting overembellished watches because they are inclined to go out of fashion rapidly and you do not get a resale value that is good, in the event you actually need to sell it. When you cannot afford to purchase a wristwatch from the high-end luxury-brand, subsequently purchasing a watch from a mid level watch brand is the alternative that is greatest.

People don't require any investigation, or don't have to damage their heads before purchasing a time-piece in the Swiss watches. Such could be the trust that Swiss made watch brands have builtup over time. Actually, the phenomena went to this kind of extent that nowadays having a swiss-watch can be a matter of design and school. For sure, being the most effective watch brands available in the market using the greatest movement engineering also, Swiss watch manufacturers have a price that is considerable

The founders among not simply the manufacturers of for girls but also the top watch brands for guys as well. Somewhat, it will be more suitable to convey Rolex would be to make professional watches the pioneers,. They were the primary ones to create them, be it sports like skating, that needs a waterproof view. They're also well regarded for actions within their watches' quality. They are the very first ever readers of the Swiss qualification of precision. A number of their pieces are stated inside the prime watches for guys.

Seven Most Amazing Translators Changing How We See the World

Any attempt to establish a translation business is a task that is challenging, because future competitors' figure is vast. Very shortly you will get to know about serious opposition and the translation myths that still prevail in the current wireless communication world, once you've started your translation company.

Regular, you as a translator need to face a mounting combat from misinformed customers who understood ordinarily have or very small about translation company mistaken belief about translators and the translation company. In most translators have so as to throw light on the myths that give the impression to keep on going every year to educate the customers about the profession. Listed below are some of the most significant myths and misconception that can further for helping your clients appreciate what you do as a translator used as tools that are helpful:

1. Several languages can be talked by translators: It is among the most profitable myths present outside the translation company. You ought to understand that simply different understanding languages usually do not signify that an individual can convert any matter.

2. Any gifted translator is specialized in distinct but linked areas, and this also enables him or her to keep current with changes in their profession and keeps them well informed of current trends. Moreover, if any translator states that whatever matter can be translated by him is either lousy or inexperienced translator.

3. Generally, customers consider that performing translation is the like and it doesn't matter which way the translator is performing translation. Customers have to understand that translators have languages that are essential and it's normally in customer and the translator for the translator to interpret into his/her expertise area of http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/molecules/transcribe/ that language's overriding significance.

4. There is a native narrator consistently a superior translator than a non-native one.

It really is a next important myth circulating in translation business. Just being a native narrator does not necessary ensures that the individual is not ineligible enough to translate sufficiently. For instance across there may a billion native speakers of Japanese, but just few of them can be relied upon to possess the choice it requires to select if a translation is linguistically correct in confirmed business context. We should never think that there is a native narrator a talented translator in his own language. For any language a translation demands study, area, and consistent practice.

5. Powerful translation can be performed by just translators being correlated with a professional or certified translation business: There are number of translators who perform a great translation job with no association. However, it is dispensable for every so-called professional organization to be a governing body. One has to understand that the listing of pleased customers is a much better sign of a translator's capability.

6. One can verify the correctness of a translation by doing a rear translation: it's common delusion that is next that having a second translator who can retranslate a translated text back into its source language can reviews the value of a translation. Yet this statement is not completely true and in fact the opposite is accurate; poorer the translation, the closer the back translation will adhere to the first. The cause for this can be a bad translation usually follows quite closely the wording of the first, but not the significance.

7. Translation is fundamentally an informal industry with exceptionally low profit margins: This is the most circulated misconception that is erroneous in translation profession. According to recent studies it's been found many individuals in Eastern Europe and in the Netherlands have the long-recognized image of the translator, where translator has to slave away from daybreak till nightfall. Though the translation process is in spite of computerization, and actually labor intensive tools, the image certainly signs it will basically stay a physical matter for many years ahead. Moreover, if you are competent of offering high-quality translation and geared to meet your customer's conditions, you'll be taken truly and pleased by bottom line gains that are quite erect.

The way to Find the Perfect Watch for the Man in Your Life

Sprained hand is perhaps the most common damage that occurs stretching of the arm beyond its usual volume or because of motion! This results in a grab in one or more ligaments of the hand and will create a great deal of discomfort ache, including swelling, loss of mobility, bruising and tenderness.

The pioneers among not merely the very best view models for men's makers but also for women at the same time. Instead, it'll be much more appropriate to express Rolex would be in making qualified watches the pioneers,. Be it activities like skating, that will require a waterproof view, they certainly were the primary people to create them. They are also widely-known for your quality of motions within their watches. They are the very first actually users of precision's qualification. Some of their pieces are outlined within the prime watches for males.

People don't have to damage their brains before purchasing a time-piece in the Swiss watches, or don't need any analysis. Such will be the trust that swiss-made the years have been built up over by watch models. Actually, the phenomena moved to this extent that nowadays having a Swiss watch is just a subject of school and model. Obviously, being the top http://www.darlor-watch.com/w_w_2b.htm view brands in the market using the greatest movement technology too, swiss-watch models come with a price that is major

View, the fact that is depressing is that they be expensive. Nevertheless a watch is needed by you and also you don't wish to settle for zegarek atlantic cheap imitations. Why not obtain a view that's of the quality that is finest and still will not burn a pit in your pocket. There become needs to have impressive artistry, excellent quality and a watch that is good of the newest style. Additional capabilities that informs you the date and time are also will need to have in a wristwatch that is good. So if you desire a classy and advanced timewear, then you definitely have to know which are for less the top watches as you are able to buy,. Here we'll have a look at some of the best watches that are offered under 0.

I view many not-thus-manner-freaks over getting a pricey watch reasoning,. They claim, " Do a different period is shown by costly watches? Or do they tell future or anything? Why spend cash over something that's just thus irrelevant! ". With their shock, I've abridged a good set of the most effective watches under thousand bucks which have converted hand fashion with artist straps from a fundamental watch into something which is acquiesced by popular fashionistas throughout the earth today. A-sound budget lets your legs extend in oxygen, and select from a better selection of designer watches. Wrist extras have allured many. Why it is thus you will be told by these bunch of phrases.

Simple Strategies For 2012 In language translations

Translation purposes are software that functions interpretation in one dialect to a different. Interpretation applications are designed in a way which could rely on wellknown of locating the partnership between two languages formulas,. When choosing translation app, is whether it's downloadable on your cell phone one element should be thought about,.

The business providing you with the Swedish interpretation should really be able to supply a fantastic interpretation service if the right focus is placed by this business on the analysis and continuing expertise. The technological translation each should analyse each of the possible problems he/she is all about to manage likely. Furthermore, the corporation ought to not be unable to need http://www.mejpbs.com/high_school_diploma_translation_services_in_los_angeles_la.php their linguists to tłumaczenia specjalistyczne exercise and analysis - the more translation functions a particular translation did, the greater.

This millennium has undoubtedly created a bunch of products and new engineering that have created lives more connected and more easy. One particular product that's managed to get better to connect from other nations to numerous people can be a machine translator Also known as Computer-Aided Interpretation, this device employs application that has been created specifically for mental communications from dialect to some other and changing texts. This type of firms presenting interpretation providers, along with engineering, has become essential within the push.

You are able to hire a translator that is certified or you'll be able to employ a translation firm that will help you locate someone certified to satisfy your requirements. Both alternatives are able you a high quality translation, the variation is that an agency makes the procedure more easy by accomplishing all the meet your needs. A translation solutions corporation employ and will see the translator, ensure that your deadlines are fulfilled, and certainly will check your file for any errors. Another option is by using an automatic translator, financial firms not recommended because of a computer's inability to comprehend the nuances of language Technology gets better and better every day, nonetheless it nevertheless cannot fit the human brain in regards to language

The Latest On Advice For language translations

The barrier between trading events around the world can be removed with vocabulary translations' companies Nevertheless, it's equally vital to select a dependable and trustworthy interpretation business to proffer specific information to your entire international buyers. There are lots of causes which make it crucial to work with qualified providers of language translations.

Which gives me for me, to online terminology interpretation, the most effective method for vocabulary translations This is because online you can get quality, together with fast shipping and the best rates. The chief reason for that is that after dealing with a web based translation organization, you have the liberty to work well with translators anywhere on earth. It is possible to get good quality, in the event you work with indigenous speakers of the specific vocabulary along with reasonable cost,

Italy and Spanish - speaking countries are accomplishing more and more enterprise with Anglophone countries. These business requirements certainly build interpretation needs for business-related documents. These translated documents' bulk could be assorted - ranging to legitimate to tourist files from promotion. The document's entire have to be proofread by way of a native-communicating pro for intangibles, precision and its reliability. The subtleties of their variety and Spanish translation could dictate the amount of translation period that is needed. It's been claimed elsewhere that dictionaries are for in- phrase translations. Unit translations are not for entire wording, high tough translations that are Spanish

To be sure that the translation company is very top excellent translations employ just native speakers of every vocabulary with the target of interpretation Consequently, the interpretation is conducted in the least period feasible with all the greatest superb. The terminology is not known by anybody a lot better than everyone. This is actually the principle the choosing of translators is currently doing. Being an entrepreneur, you have to take into account that their translations are accomplished from the suitable person you only don't know the dialect, and also include importance to your business objectives. Realize that the interpretation of languages is essential to some the main BPO industry that is complete.

Translating to language N from vocabulary A is as translating to vocabulary A from language N same. At the many, this statement might not be partly false. There might be a number of outstanding translators who'd manage to do the above mentioned, but many translators can just only give very good results in their core vocabulary as an example, an English-german-language translation specialist, whose key dialect is German, can not be anticipated to supply quality leads to German-English translations

Many Wrist Watches Do You Think There Are?

Do not think that just because you're paying less, that you can't-get a great quality watch with fantastic style. A number of the mid-luxury models present good types of watches which can be at a reasonable cost range. You should look at these watches and look for types which are timeless and elegant. Prevent getting overembellished watches you do not get yourself a superior resale value, should you ever wish to provide it and as they have a tendency to walk out vogue rapidly. If you can't afford to buy a wrist watch from a high end luxury-brand, then purchasing a view from a mid-level watch brand is the solution that is best.

Observe, the truth that is sad is which they cost a lot. Nevertheless you do require a watch and also you don't desire to accept cheap imitations. So why not buy a view that's of the quality that is finest and still wont burn a hole in your pocket. There become should have perfect quality, exceptional quality and a view that is good of the latest model. Added functions that tells the time and evening may also be to you should have in a great wristwatch. If you wish a classy and sophisticated timewear, then you have to know which are for less the most effective watches that you can purchase. Below we'll take a peek at some of the finest watches that are offered under 0.

Something straightforward, yet a head-turner. 0 is just a quantity if you are talking timepieces. The following list can inform you that are the best buys to your hands. If you should be tracking allover to grab among the greatest sports watches for men a number of selections stated here are an excellent buy. Here they are! Victorinox Swiss Army Men's Watch $99 Kenneth Cole New York Men's KC3784 Necklace Watch $92 TInvicta Men's 8926 Pro Diver Collection $87 Menis Lucien Piccard Leather Chrono Date Watch 28111ROBK $80 Guess Brown Leather Strap Watch $75

Folks do not have to damage their brains before buying a time piece from your Swiss watches, or do not require any research. Such is the trust that Swiss made watch manufacturers have developed through the years. To this kind of extent, the phenomena has gone in fact that nowadays owning a swiss-watch is actually an issue of fashion and category. Obviously, being the most effective view manufacturers available in the market Swiss watch brands feature a cost that is substantial, with the greatest movement technology also

This view is for guys and its traditional and stylish design helps it be the perfect choice for both play and function. It has tie and a stainless body and also the switch is also a dull silver-color. At 9, it is one of the best watches under 0 for men. The hallmark Movado Dot in the 12' situation within the switch causes it to be an excellent watch with style that is incredible. The arms of the view are also in a silver which provides an incredibly modern look to the watch. The middle links while in the necklace straps have moons etched on it along with the strap's form is simple to close. Using its Swiss quartz movement and understated glance, Movado Men's Luno 0605635 is really a lovely masterpiece plus one of the best watches for men.

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